Feature request : Device state column in device list

Request a new column in device list for device state. This is useful for a quick glance at the the state of multiple devices instead of having multiple windows or live logging.



Early on I thought that would be desirable but then I realized all I had to do was create a Dashboard with all my devices.

One problem is that many devices have multiple states.

we can go with the device primary state. contact sensor = open/close, motion = active/inactive... etc.

And for a thermostat? An RGBW color bulb? Etc...

Primary state for rbg is on/off, thermostat is temp. I am not requesting a full blown status page.

If this were a possibility, I think primary state would be a configurable thing as a "motion" sensor may be a temperature sensor first and motion second or third to some users. That would need to be user set per device based on the device capabilities. Perhaps motion is default for the sensor but the primary state could be set to temperature or any other parameter offered based on the devices supported capabilities.


Perhaps I shouldn't reply as I've made my approach known in a previous post.

I realize this is personal preference, however I would not like to see the relatively clean "device" page made (in my opinion) way too complex.

I'm sure we all know that whatever "default" is chosen it will be wrong for some. The addition of a customized report now starts to get even more complex, it might require an additional App or something.

I know I don't really get a vote but IMHO I would rather resources be applied elsewhere and the devices page keep clean.


This is pretty much the way we think about it. We do have some new things coming along wrt UI in general. Having additional ways to view devices is something we have worked a good bit on.


+1 - @JohnRob