[Feature Request] Allow global variable in Therm Controller sensor weight field

The use of global variables in Thermostat Controller sensor weight field will make it possible for rules to affect the thermostat temperature calculations by updating the global variables.

  • If a room motion detector indicates the room is empty, set the sensor weight to 0
  • If a person's location is away from their room, set the sensor weight to 0
  • Based on time of day or controller modes, adjust sensor weights depending on expected occupancy of rooms
  • Some other conditions that require room weights to be increased or decreased

While it is currently possible to use rules to update which sensors are used in a therm controller, it is far too complex to create rules for all situations:

Current situation involving one controller with sensors for two rooms:

  • rule/condition 1: if room1 occupied + room2 occupied, update controller settings
  • rule/condition 2: if room1 empty + room2 occupied, update controller settings
  • rule/condition 3: if room1 occupied + room2 empty, update controller settings
  • rule/condition 1: if room1 empty + room2 empty, update controller settings

n number of rooms = (n x n) number of rules/conditions

Proposed situation:

  • rule/condition 1: if room1 empty set weight to 0 else set weight to 1
  • rule/condition 2: if room2 empty set weight to 0 else set weight to 1

n number of rooms = n number of rules/conditions

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