Right now I am getting these messages in the log for Hubitat Safety Monitor:
I have no idea what is generating these based on the monitoring that I have set up.
It would be nice if Hubitat Safety Monitor would do a sendEvent when something happens, so we could look in the app event log to see what is going on in these type of situations.
HSM events are logged. Look in Location Events. Those message you showed are from attempting to send SMS messages beyond the limit of 10 per day. A better choice would be to use Pushover and push notifications.
OK, good to know! I went to Location Events, and see this:
Why would I be getting so many failed text messages? I am trying to figure out what is causing all those text messages to try to be sent. No wonder I exceeded the max limit .
Depending on when the built-in SMS in Hubitat is expanded, I was hoping to hold off on having to sign up with a separate service, but may end up going with Pushover. I didn't exceed the limit very often until I transferred some rules over to Safety Monitor.
I rebooted the hub around 6:30 and no longer getting those messages.