Fauxmo esp8266 with hubitat?

Hello, new to hubitat and coming from a setup that includes an Arduino esp8266 running the fauxmo software, emulating a Philips Hue hub (v1 hub I think), to expose a bunch of custom functionality I've built, specifically exposing it to Alexa. This works great and when I discover devices from Alexa, I don't do anything to mimic "pressing the button on the Philips hub" or anything. It just works. I also have a newer gen (real) Philips hub in my setup.

The fauxmo doesn't seem to get picked up by ST, which may indicates it's a very alexa-specific emulation, but also I have had very unpredictable behavior from my ST setup....

Hubitat sees my real and fauxmo hub when I discover devices using the Philips Hue app (in hubitat), and it works fine with the real one, but I can't quite get things going with the emulated one. I have had the hubitat app show me the names of my emulated "lights," and at some point it showed them as groups instead, but it's all real finicky and doesn't actually end up working.

I'm wondering if there's anything I should try or can do to get this to work? I can rework my setup to use the hubduino stuff, and longer-term that's what I'll do, but if there's a quick thing I can do to get fauxmo recognized, that'd be awesome

Whoa - this "works", however something's definitely wrong, likely a bug in hubitat's handling of Philips Hue bridges?

  1. After getting my real bridge to work, and trying to get my fauxmo bridge to work, and toggling back and forth (and removing the real bulbs that got added to my system), the app got in to a bad state where I couldn't even add real bulbs. Rebooting/etc pretty much all combinations of things on my network didn't help, and my ST was able to freshly detect the real bulbs, so I knew Hubitat was somehow having issues. I deleted the Hue hubitat app and reinstalled it and it quickly detected my real bulbs.
  2. Then, I switched over to my faux bridge in the app. It switched over to it, but didn't detect any 'bulbs'
  3. I left the app, looked at devices, saw my real bulbs there, went back to app.. app was pre-set to use my faux bridge
  4. The app briefly showed the names of my ~10 real bulbs, but those quickly flipped over to ~10 FAUX BULBS (without me 'adding' them)?
  5. I went and checked the devices list, and saw the names of my real bulbs. I turned one on/off to see if it works ... it didn't work, but it triggered one of my FAUX bulbs! (Which btw it seemed to be the 3rd bulb I'd expect in my philips setup would trigger the 3rd faux bulb slot..)
  6. Went back to app, switched from the faux bridge to real bridge, clicked discover bulbs, all my real bulbs replaced my faux bulbs, and now going to 'devices' and controlling my real bulbs works as expected

The app seems to indicate it can work with multiple Hue bridges but there's almost definitely a bug somewhere.

I thought I was 'stuck' at this point, because I tried to get the app set up properly with my real lights, and then install a 2nd copy of the app to point to the faux ones. I thought this was impossible though because when I went to add the app a 2nd time and I typed "hue" or "philips", nothing came up. I assumed that meant you can only have 1 copy of an app installed at a time. However, I realized that the search function for apps just isn't working as I'd hoped (it should be a case insensitive search). I'm still 'stuck' though because a 2nd app never finds the faux hub, and if I have an app find the real hub and then switch to the faux hub and control its faux bulbs, a 2nd app can't ever sync with the real hub.

I'll probably solve my issue through just using the hubduino stuff but I believe there's a nasty bug waiting for legit users of philips (with the old bridge)? Not sure how to flag this as a bug for devs to look at

You might want to take a look at diyHue. It's also a hue emulator but this runs on a Raspberry Pi. I'm running mine on a Pi Zero W. Work great. I've been able to integrate a bunch of neopixels controlled by ESP8266's into Hubitat as hue Bridge lights.

Oh that's interesting, I didn't think of adding the fauxmo bulbs directly. I just did try that and couldn't get it to work, probably because I don't know what device network ID to use. What do you use?

When I configure real bulbs and then switch the app to faux bridge and get fake bulbs working, the app's settings show some strange thing for the faux bulbs, which I'm not sure I can directly configure with virtual devices, and I'm also not sure if it's even work or if these settings only work as a "happy accident" because of something unexpected happening in the hue integration app.

Also, if I somehow did add the individual bulbs as virtual devices, I'm not sure how the

Here are those settings, 788CEC is real and 824100 is faux


bridges{uuid:2f402f80-da50-11e1-9b23-001788788cec={deviceAddress=50, ssdpTerm=urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:basic:1, serialNumber=001788788cec, hub=1, name=Philips hue (788CEC), verified=true, ssdpPath=/description.xml, ssdpUSN=uuid:2f402f80-da50-11e1-9b23-001788788cec, idNumber=788CEC, networkAddress=0A010AFC, mac=001788788CEC, ssdpNTS=null}, uuid:2f402f80-da50-11e1-9b23-bcddc2824100::upnp:rootdevice={deviceAddress=76d, ssdpTerm=urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:basic:1, serialNumber=bcddc2824100, hub=1, name=Philips hue (824100), verified=true, ssdpPath=/description.xml, ssdpUSN=uuid:2f402f80-da50-11e1-9b23-bcddc2824100::upnp:rootdevice, idNumber=824100, networkAddress=0A010AEA, mac=BCDDC2824100, ssdpNTS=null}}



bulbs{11={hub=null, modelid=LCT004, name=wee you, id=11, type=Extended Color Light, remove=false}, 12={hub=null, modelid=LCT004, name=macbook, id=12, type=Extended Color Light, remove=false}, 1={hub=null, modelid=LCT004, name=switch, id=1, type=Extended Color Light, remove=false}, 2={hub=null, modelid=LCT004, name=ps4, id=2, type=Extended Color Light, remove=false}, 3={hub=null, modelid=LCT004, name=dex, id=3, type=Extended Color Light, remove=false}, 4={hub=null, modelid=LCT004, name=restart, id=4, type=Extended Color Light, remove=false}, 5={hub=null, modelid=LCT004, name=pc, id=5, type=Extended Color Light, remove=false}, 6={hub=null, modelid=LCT004, name=cinema, id=6, type=Extended Color Light, remove=false}, 7={hub=null, modelid=LCT004, name=gamemode, id=7, type=Extended Color Light, remove=false}, 8={hub=null, modelid=LCT004, name=fire, id=8, type=Extended Color Light, remove=false}, 9={hub=null, modelid=LCT004, name=pc audio, id=9, type=Extended Color Light, remove=false}, 10={hub=null, modelid=LCT004, name=ps3, id=10, type=Extended Color Light, remove=false}}

FWIW I tried hueBridgeBulb with DNI of 0A010AEA/1 and 0A010AEA/103/1 (103/1 as used by the real bulbs) but that conflicted, tried all kinds of stuff, nothing works.. the faux hub's network ID is shown by hubitat as BCDDC2824100 (and "active") so I also tried that with /1 /103/1 and nothing.

Maybe I'm close, appreciate seeing your setup. If this doesn't work though I will probably abandon the hue emulation altogether and just go with a more direct route

Huh? The diyHue is a Hue Hub emulation. You can't add the hue Bulbs manually, they have to be added through the integration.