FAQ and Z-Wave signal strength read-out

Hello, I'm new here. Maybe I don't know how to use the search tool on this website. It's surprising that I can't find any information in a FAQ on how to read out the Z-Wave RX signal strength reporting in decibels.
How does one go about determining how strong signals are between nodes and their neighbors from the hubitat hub? TIA

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I would also like to know.
I'm able to read signal from the Zigbee logs but I can't from Z-wave devices.

Excuse my nOObiness :slight_smile:

i haven't seen it displayed anywhere including Zensys Tools or OZWCP.

Apparently that CIT for Alliance Members will do it. But if you're not a member it's $400/yr annual dues, I believe.


is reputed to display the values. On sale too at only $150


It is possible to get a lot of those details by setting up OZWCP (OpenZwave Control Panel) along with a Zwave stick. I use an Aeon Zstick but I don't know that it would make any difference what brand you used. You pair it up with the HE hub and it reads your devices. It is a secondary controller and can actually control at least some of your devices, even with the HE hub turned off.
I basically just check neighbors and hop counts but there are lots of possibilities. I captured the top bit of the statistics page.

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