Fan Tile - New Dashboard Not Working Properly

Loving the look of the new dashboard.

However, I am having an issue with the Fan tile. I have a GE fan switch and it is using the HE GE Smart Fan Control driver. If I read the docs correctly, if I click on the tile, it should allow me to select the speed. It doesn't. It does have the slider for the percentage though.

I do have a Hampton Bay fan using the component drivers. It allows me to pick the speed using the popup box.

Am I doing some incorrectly, or is this a bug??


The GE Fan Driver doesn't support the setSpeed command, so even though the popup shows the options, they do not map to level. So only option is to use the level slider.

Maybe that is something @mike.maxwell could change in the future? It would be nice if all fans worked the same on the dashboard.

if not, a user driver could add it. But it would be a shame to make a user driver just to add that one thing.