Did some searching and didn't come up with an answer. I noticed tonight that the tile for my two ceiling fans are different between the local dashboard and the cloud dashboard. Anyone else see this?
Did some searching and didn't come up with an answer. I noticed tonight that the tile for my two ceiling fans are different between the local dashboard and the cloud dashboard. Anyone else see this?
You're right. Different on mine too.
Also, if you set a custom color for the fan's on state, it will not work either.
Ok..so far at least I know it's not just me then!
Ditto here.
@patrick , are you aware of this one?
Are folks on the latest version?
Cloud version is correct, but not sure why the local version isn't showing correctly, could be caching. Will have to look into it a bit deeper.
I think it is the other way around?
The cloud version shows a generic "dimmer", local shows the "fan icon".
I just updated tonight to No change.
Are you saying the one with the slider is correct? That's what's on my cloud dashboard.
No the one without the slider is the new version. I'm not at my computer this evening to check. Will check in the morning.
There was a problem with a cached / older version in the cloud. This has been fixed. Might take a bit to sync across all services.
Fan tile now only has setSpeed support and all options are available on tap of the tile to set.
@patrick, speaking of the fan tile, we cannot set a custom color for the on state for the fan. Off state works correctly.
Yes, this will be fixed and it will allow states for all the fan states not just on and off. Will be in a hotfix.
Awesome. Thank you sir.
Just wondering how long "a bit" is. I am still seeing the wrong icon on my cloud dashboard tonight.
What are you seeing in the cloud dashboard? The cloud is correct on my system. There will be a fix coming shortly for the local side to match the cloud side.
Just a quick "something I noticed" on the cloud, when using the Template Color Editor for the fan, there is a duplicate medium-low selection, maybe supposed to be medium-high?
Apparently this was now a cache issue for me on my phone. I cleared the browser cache on my phone and now I get the correct Icon. Thanks for your help @patrick.