Fan Controllers - Auto Mode - Does it really exist in ZWave controllers?

I'm working on adding fan control to a driver I'm developing. I am trying to figure out what to do with the setSpeed "auto" mode.

As far as I can see, there are no "real world" Z-Wave fan controllers with an "auto" mode -- is that correct, or does anybody know of one? I'm assuming the "auto" mode may just be from a controller for Zigbee or some other device. Can anybody confirm?

If that's the case, what are you supposed to do about "auto" - is there a way of removing it from the set of allowed enumerated values so that the "setSpeed" control on the web page doesn't display it? I suspect the answer is "no", but wanted to be sure.

I use the β€œAuto” mode to have Hubitat control the fan speed based on temperature and humidity (via a RM rule). If I want to control it myself, I take it off Auto.

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Thanks. That's an interesting use!.

My question was meant to be a bit more specific - is there an "auto" mode in any Z-wave device fan controller device itself (as opposed to driver code implementing an auto mode by continually sending Z-wave commands to the device). If anybody knows that, answer, please let me know.

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Z-Wave fan controllers use SwitchMultilevel Command Class witch is 0-99 value or 255 (last on value).

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Yes, the Hampton Bay Zigbee Fan Controller does indeed have an "Auto" mode, which allows the fan controller to randomly vary the speed of the fan to create a more 'natural wind' style of experience. I am guessing that is the origin of the "Auto" mode in the Hubitat capability.