Fakro ZWS12 Chain Actuator (Window Opener)

I'm testing a Fakro ZWS12 window opener which reports as:

deviceType: 2
inClusters: 0x5E,0x86,0x72,0x5A,0x85,0x59,0x73,0x25,0x26,0x27,0x70,0x71,0x77
deviceId: 16
manufacturer: 133

I was able to get it to open and close using the "Generic Z-Wave Shade" and it reports state:

position: 99
switch: on
windowShade: open

While the core functions seem to work, is there a more appropriate driver / configuration (eg so the label "windowShade" is correct etc)?

Not following, windowShade is simply the name of the event thats generated and is part of the capabilities for that device.
This allows the device to be selected based on that capability and then used in automation.
The name itself is pretty meaningless.

Thanks for replying.

To clarify, the ZWS12 opens the window itself, not a blind or curtain or exterior shade.

While it seems minor semantics, the practical issue is Amazon Echo. I currently need to use awkward voice commands like "turn on the test window" (opens the window) and "turn off the test window" (closes the window).

Is there some way we can get a device integration that would allow more natural commands, like "open the test window" and "close the test window"?

Setup Alexa routines triggered by the voice commands "Open the test window" and "Close the test window". Make the target of those routines to turn on/off your device.

You can do this for any device. I use a momentary zigbee plug to control my garage door, and it is convenient to use Alexa routines that "Raise the garage door" and "Close the garage door".


Thanks @aaiyar, this worked well.

The only limitation I can see is we have 15 of these ordered and would need to include the room name in each command, eg "Alexa, open the family room windows". By comparison the lighting integration is nicer, as the specific Echo that hears the command knows which light you mean (ie the one in the same room group). But it'll be fine given the windows will mostly be controlled via automatic rules and sensors anyhow.