Fade Up & Down Not Changing Dim Levels

The devices don't work that way. You if you turn them on they come on to their last brightness. So, if that was 95, that's what it comes on to. If you issue a setLevel without turning the switch on, you will get a mixed result. Most Smart bulbs will come on at the level they were previously at and then either ramp up or down to the level requested. Dimmers will usually come on to the level of the setLevel command. So, stop ordering the device to turn on before setting the level. Just set the level.

So I have been experimenting with this dimmer. I can get the dimmer to set to different levels using the simple lighting rule. Set to 10 and turn on and it goes to 10. Set to 95 and turn on and it goes up to 95. Set to 10 again and turn on and it goes up to 95 and then back to 10 which is normal. All of these steps are normal behavior. This is not the issue.

So the problem is in the Fade. If you have a dimmer set to 1, 10 (it doesn't matter) and you turn it on and tell it to fade up to 95 it will do that. But if you tell it to fade down from 95 to 10 it will fade down and simply go off (not stopping at 10) and the dim value stays at 95 on the device page. It is ignoring the value of 10 you set for it to go to.

On top of that if you go into the device page and manually try to change the dim level to 10 it will pop right back up to 95!

Jason, any luck or did you have to move on.

EDIT: I just discovered that the dimmer or the bulbs have a low level of dim that they only can go down to. I just discovered the ones I have will only start at 12 NOT 10.

I was just about to ask if there was a min level the bulbs support. lol

On mine I can always dim as low as I want - if already on. But many bulbs require more juice to turn on. For instance my hall light LED won't turn on <10%, but once on can dim all the way to 1%. But if I then turn it off, and it turns back on @ 1% no light.

Some of my other LEDs will turn on @6%. Fully bulb dependent.

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Well I set them to 15 to see if they would fade down from 95 to 15 and they just went to off and the dim level on the device page still says 95. The fade works going up but doesn't appear to work going down.
Using 'set dimmer' works for 10 and 95, so it is in the fade.

None of us work well when we fade. It's best just to get a good nights rest and start again in the morning.

I can add another wrench to this machine. I set up the rule to fade up from 15 to 95 over a 1 minute time frame and it went immediately to 95. Fast minute!
I also told it to fade down from 95 to 20 in 1 minute and it did in about 3-4 seconds. Enough said. Maybe they can fix it.

I have the Nano dimmers and when I tried to have HE fade them up and down I was told it had to be done by setting parameters on the device itself, ie its not HE doing the dimming. I never could figure out how to do it. And it won't work if you need it to fade up quick in one mode and slow in another.

All of your fades have a time of over 0 minutes though. So, I'm not quite sure I understand what you're trying to accomplish with these. Plus, you are triggering a fade in a light by the light turning off. That won't work.

I am going to assume you are trying to get your dimmer to fade up and down at a slower rate than they are and you can't do it this way. You need to either have dimmers that you can programmatically change the ramp rate. like GE dimmer, or you need to have straight dimmers with no switch (like nano dimmers) and control them with a button controller like a Pico.

That's because you are triggering on the light going on!!! when you turn it on it will immediately ramp to the old rate. That's not going to work the way you want.

I have GE devices and they do have ramp rates. I have done device parameter changes programmatically in HomeAssistant but you had to restart the Zwave service for them to take effect. I don't know about programmatically setting Zwave parameters in HE. Is that a thing in HE?

You have to load the simple z-wave tool from the HE public github. That will allow you to set any zwave parameter you want. There are several forum posts on that one.

But programmatically? I have used the Zwave tool.

Like i said, there are several forum posts on it. Just search basic z-wave tool.

So I've read all the comments. I have a GE Dimmer switch that when I first installed would turn the light on to what ever you had set it to. You then could flip toggle up or down and light would stay when you stopped.. Now ramps up to all the way on or all the way off. Anyone know how to fix it?

And you didn't change anything it just changed it's behavior all on it's own?

Yes, not sure when it happened. Most of the time we just turn on high. Was trying to set lights dimmer and they start dimming and then off. Same way when turning on start out dim then keep ramping up to full brightness.

So, when you let go of the paddle, it continues to dim/brighten? So, if you set the light to 100% in Hubitat and then hold the lower paddes for just a second or two and let go, the light conitues to dim after you let go of the paddle?

You are exactly correct. Guess I had forgot how to do that. Thank you so much for the replies.

So, did you get it to work now?

Yes, Thanks for the quick replys. I had forgotten to hold the switch. Dont use the dimmer that often. Mostly on or off.

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