I did read through the other factory reset but mines a bit different reason. I moved everything over to a C7 and a C5 and would like to fresh start clear out my older C4 for minor usage. Is there a way to clear out everything at once or do I need to manually delete each device, app, code, routines, etc?
If you're keeping the hub for your own use, you can do these steps:
- Reset the Z-Wave and Zigbee radios (individually from their Settings pages) to "clear" them, technically only necessary if you aren't confident that all devices that were once paired have been reset or paired to your new hub--but can't hurt regardless if you don't care to keep anything that was once there; and
- Do a soft reset: Soft Reset - Hubitat Documentation
That being said, you could also do a "Full Reset," which is basically the same except for choosing "Full" instead of "Soft" in the second step above (and you don't need to perform the first step first as it also clears the radios, among other things like un-registering your hub and its cloud connection--one reason a soft reset might be a tad easier if you're the one who's going to keep using the hub). You could certainly also manually remove all apps and drivers yourself (and again possibly clear the radios), but I agree that a reset sounds easier.
No matter how you do it, the process is the same for any model of hub as far as I know. (In the early days when there were only C-3 and I think even C-4 hubs, a full reset wasn't 100% automated on both your and Hubitat's side, should you happen to have registered the hub, but I know it is now.)
Thanks bertabcd1234. That did the trick. By the way, you mentioned a "Full Reset" option but it seems like that option doesn't exist anymore? Didn't see it in the menu, only soft reset. I'm on the fence of using it for development or giving it to my friend to use in his house.
I believe they removed easy access to the full reset option in a recent platform update because people were too often resorting to that before reaching out to support when they were having issues with their hubs. Doing a full reset and then opening a support ticket just makes it harder to troubleshoot. Performing a full reset is still possible, with help from support (or if you know where to look).