Executing Shell Script from Rule Machine

Dude, calm down.

I'm trying to help you...but if you don't want my help, then I won't bother giving it. Good day.


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Potential being the key word...

But I am always happy to learn and improve - so thanks for pointing that out.

I maintain you don't need the response (as it definitely works without it), but it may be better if it were there.

We don't really even know what happens on the hubitat side if the post doesn't get a response, so we will never know for sure if there is impact or not.

I'll test it with a response later tonight. If it doesn't break anything, I'll leave it in. Better to be safe than sorry I guess.

My worry would be that something is not posting an error when it is timing out. These POST messages aren't coming from the same C-5 hub that you keep getting lock-ups on, are they?

No, but good thought.

I'll also agree with you that just because my way has been working for months with no obvious issues doesn't necessarily make it "right". The documentation does seem clear that you should send a response. :man_shrugging:

That was almost too much irony to hope for. Like you said, it might not be a problem at all and might not hurt a thing. But when it doubt, do it the right way. Especially if you're giving other people advice.


Hi all,

It was a firewall issue. I forgot that the PI I was working with was on my trusted VLAN while the Hubitat hub was on my Device VLAN. Working as expected now!


This is all I got today....


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