You must Include from a device that is ON the ZWave network you want to join.
Exclude zeros out the home network number of a device, therefore any controller can do it. You can put your ST hub on a long wire and exclude Hubitat paired devices, if you wanted to.. Some people like ST's reporting better than Hubitat.
Many things about Z-Wave seem half baked; this has always bugged me. If this were ever widely deployed in an apartment building it's not impossible for someone to inadvertently exclude someone else's devices, since a single touch of the 'action button' (as in, a single activation of the paddle of a GE Z-Wave switch) with a nearby hub in exclude mode would suffice. I guess in this case range limiting radio penetration through walls might save the day,
Install OtherHub and SmartThings Integration apps for two-way interhub connections
Exclude minimote from ST, and pair it to HE
Choose the room closest to the hub. Use minimote* to exclude wired Z-wave repeaters first, then battery devices, and include to HE with remote. Just do a simple reset for Zigbee devices, then pair to HE.
Rebuild Z-Wave networks on both hubs
Install and/or modify device handlers for the new devices
Rebuild new automations with Rule Machine, or change references within OtherHub/ST Integration so existing automations work when initiated from either hub. Clean it up and make sure there are no conflicting automations trying to control the same device.
Move to next room and repeat. Do the rooms farthest from the hub last. (Or, keep track of which repeaters are doing their job, and spiral out based on their locations)
*Minimote optional, but some of my stuff is spaced far apart - might make it easier.
It sounds like you're planning on keeping your ST network going in parallel for a while (mine is still half migrated, and I've been at it since February). If you're planning on doing this in stages and want what's left of your ST Z-Wave network to keep functioning in the meantime, you probably want to start with battery operated (non-routing) devices first. Of course you'll need some Z-Wave routers to start your HE mesh. You'll probably want to migrate those that are farthest from your ST hub first.
Also, I made it a practice to not delete any device from the ST app. It makes it easier to migrate automations, since you can go into the ST app later and find what apps they were used in and make sure your HE automations are covered. I have many automations in ST using shadow HE devices, and several HE automations using shadowed ST devices. It's been working very well.... so well it has seriously unmotivated me to keep up with my migration.
Hah, that's good to know it can be that solid for a while with two hubs. I'm definitely going to push for eliminating ST asap, as I'm a one-brain kinda guy. But yeah, it looks like it won't be done in a day.
I used a Minimote back in june with one, maybe two 'reluctant' devices. It did work, but I found the ZStick to work and was a little bit easier.. one button, no cover to fumble.
Won't work with Secure Devices, or at least didn't in my case (Yale door lock).