I have started to get the message Excluded attribute image size of attribute > 1024 characters from the Mobile Device Manager App.
The message goes into the log file when using my iPhone. I see the error when the application is loading on my phone and i also see it when i select the 3 bars in the top left to get the menu.
Thanks for your reply...I am NOT using the HUB INFORMATION DRIVER at all...
I did add some static camera images in my dashboard. These images refresh every 5 seconds. They are from my unifi camera system. When i go into the camera dashboard to look at them, i don't get any messages in the log file.
Not the issue. I removed that dashboard. I also added the cameras to my C7 backup hub and not getting the issue on the other hub...So it is not the cameras.
Thanks for the suggestion
Well i think i have found the culprit devices. They in fact are the UNIFI Cameras...So i have disabled my Unifi Camera devices, and the issues go away. How i fix this i am not sure, but i will post in the appropriate area for this driver...