All was working a couple hours ago, now nothing? I tried restoring from a backup, rebooting, rebooting router, nothing is working
Under settings what does Z-Wave Details and Zigbee Details show ?
Uhm, is this what you are looking for:
Zigbee Network State: ONLINE
Pan ID: 9D97
Extended Pan ID: 813219184C8488F5
Zigbee Status: Enabled
I really don't have anything under ZWave
Are your devices listed ?
Yes, for example, simple zigbee switch, it will no longer toggle, it actually shows the correct status if on or off though
What about your logs ? Anything odd in them ?
To be honest, I have never had to look at them, and not sure what I would look for
So pick a device that isn't working like that switch and turn on debugging. Then open another window with the logging going and toggle the switch and see if the log is showing errors. If so paste the line here.
ok, I have a device that is currently on, when I hit toggle it gives me this:
dev:332019-10-20 02:29:02.916 pm debugSwitch is currently on so I'm turning it off
Hmmm so no errors. What happens in the logs when you go to the switch and manually flip it on/off ?
It returns to same state it was in, for example, bedroom light is on, kitchen light is off. If I use the actual wall switches, they return to the same state. Bedroom will come on, kitchen stays off (does nothing)
So if you physically turn a switch on/off it doesn't show in the device page ?
I misunderstood ya, sorry, if I turn off the physical wall switch to bedroom, it does still show in the devices
So it does update the switch status as on/off. Have you pressed the configure tile in the device if there is one and then tried to turn it on/off ?
The device status still says On
ahhh then you have a issue with the device -- are all the devices zigbee ? Well not the device per-se but its not communicating with HE.
I have like 10 physical Zigbee devices, then I have like 60 things controlled via Broadlink stuff, everything stopped all at the same time.
Ok I think its time for support... you can email or ping @bobbyD and wait for him to answer here.
okay, just send him a message then?
On the off chance have you messed with your router lately ?