Every 2 weeks but on a certain day of the week

I may be overlooking something, but is there a way in Rule Machine to have an action occur every 2 weeks and be able to select the day of the week it runs on? I know I can do this with additional rules and/or variables, but was trying to keep things as slim/simple as I can. Monthly allows you to select "every n months, but Weekly does not have an "every n weeks". Using
Daily would allow me so specify every 14 days, but not the day of the week for it to run on.

Check out this thread.

Set it up for every week on the day you want, and use Private Boolean so you only do the actions you want every other time. Use Cron string, and Free Online Cron Expression Generator and Describer - FreeFormatter.com

This string runs at midnight every Wednesday: 0 0 0 ? * WED *

Each time the rule runs it sets Private Boolean to its opposite value, and only does the other actions when it's true.


Many have had luck with this:

you can write a rule 'every 5th day of every odd week'. etc. etc.