I'm using the /eventsocket endpoint to keep a service of mine informed of Hubitat status. Recently - I would say since a couple of months - after a while my client does not receive events from the socket anymore.
Anyone else noticed the same?
I'm using the /eventsocket endpoint to keep a service of mine informed of Hubitat status. Recently - I would say since a couple of months - after a while my client does not receive events from the socket anymore.
Anyone else noticed the same?
Not sure if you're trying to do something similar to what I did when I first got my hub but I quickly found the websocket connection unreliable and switched to maker API sending posts to my service and that's been working flawlessly for a year and a half.
It’s been very stable for me, until recently. The maker api does not provide an event stream.
/eventsocket is at the heart of HubConnect and while Hub Mesh has consumed a huge portion of the "market" for sharing Events between hubs, HubConnect still works flawlessly. It's been at the core of my hub interconnection strategy since February 2019.
Flawlessly. HubConnect does have a bit of code to reconnect.
Is the client on the same LAN? FWIW, I use eventsocket quite a bit (within my LAN), and have no issues with it.
That is exactly what I'm using it for. I create a maker api instance, select the devices I am interested in and put in "URL to POST device events to" and I get events. The Maker API is stateless and does a POST per event. Pretty light on resources if you ask my hub (0.05% total resources):
Thanks that’s good to know: it likely means the bug is on my side I do have a reconnect routine, I’ll refine it a little bit at make it more robust. Thanks!
That would require me to both subscribe manually to each new device in the UI and change my code to implement a receiving socket. All of it is doable but I’d rather find and fix that bug I likely have in my client.
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