Errors in latest update

seeing quite a few errors in the latest update, any ideas why?

aeotec multi sensors

fibaro UBS

fibaro dimmer 2

all built in drivers. Anyone else having some issues?

@bcopeland has these been edited?

Yes, but a minor one. Switching from built-in Aeotec Door/Window Sensor 7 driver (now Deprecated) to the new, consolidated Built-in Aeotec Door/Window Sensor 7 Series Driver causes the default preference “Report Closed When Magnet is: Closed” to change to “Report Closed When Magnet is: Open”. Repeatable. Workaround is simple: change the selected preference, save preferences. I turned in a ticket (17646).

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also seeing that my alfred lock driver is possibly crabby

I reported this some days ago

It's being called from NR with fblackburn's Nodes for Hubitat but his node gets the method listing from Maker API, I think, so I'm surprised that I was able to set the level from the device detail page w/o the error. I'm probably lacking understanding but I thought I'd throw it in here in case it factors into this topic.

NOTE: I'm still on version .125

Are you sure these are the built in drivers?, in particular "need to handle this cmd" is not produced by any Hubitat drivers.

I dont see any errors here

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This is an issue with how setLevel is being called by the app making the call.

To be clear, you're saying fblackburn has an error in his node, right?

Correct.. setLevel was being called without a level

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Ooooh, then I probably missed some bit of setup before that node. Thanks! I dig into it.

Wait...but it's working as intended. :thinking:

FOLLOWUP: It was me not setting the input properly. Works fine with no error now.

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There's no issue in the node-red node code that I can see (tested it 5 different ways). Might be something with how you are doing your flow. Feel free to make a new thread, or post in one of the node-red ones if you want someone to look at it.

But I certain can get the same error if I send blank or "space" as the setLevel from node-red (as expected). Which makes it seem like a node-red flow issue.


Yes they are, but you are also correct that one is the only one using the community driver (changed it a while ago as to see if the random random errors I would get was only on the built in driver and forgot about it)

@BorrisTheCat see my PM please


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