Error when entry to a new rule 4.1

When I go to modify a 4.1 rule I got the error (for 4.0 rule, everything is ok):

Also I check the Logs and I find nothing related to this issue.

Is this your only 4.1 rule? If not, do the others allow editing?

in 4.0 it is ok, this error comes only in 4.1

You didn't answer my question. Is this your only 4.1 Rule? If not, do the other 4.1 Rules allow editing?

I just tried exactly what you said, namely, created a 4.1 Rule (toggle a switch if a contact sensor changed), saved it, tested that it worked, opened it for editing.

Sounds to me like you have a damaged Rule, perhaps by using the browser back button or doing something odd rather than just clicking Done to get out of the Rule editing. Rule Machine is fragile, it can end up with damaged rules if you aren't careful.

If that's the case (damaged Rule), then delete it and try to re-create.

I made now a new 4.1 rule, and allow me to edit. something is wrong on that first 4.1 rule

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Yes you are true. Now works, I am tired for sure I didn't push the button "done"

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Rule Machine is fragile. Sad but true. It shouldn't break if you don't hit the Done button, but it does. I just appreciate the good things that it does, and use it carefully.

Is Ok, is my mistake I am such a beginner :slight_smile:

That’s ok, we were all there, once. If you have any more questions, please ask in the forum, someone will be glad to help. As you get more experience, pay it forward and help others in the forum.

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