Error on Export/Import/Clone

errorjava.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot get property 'label' on null object on line 52 (method main)

Ok it came up and did not error now its missing from my apps.

Are you looking for help on that error? If so, it would help if you indicate the app or driver that is causing it.

"Export/Import/Clone" was listed as one of my Apps I did not install it. When I clicked the Export/Import/Clone App it would not open and gave that error. After clicking it several times it opened. After it opened I looked at it a bit to see what it was and then clicked done. Now its no longer listed in my Apps. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Which Hubitat platform are you using?

With 2.2.9, the option is now available for every app when clicking on the cog (gear) icon on the top right. The apps can then be restored from the Settings tab under the Admin Settings topic.

2.2.9 it was showing up as an individual app. gopher.ny got it figured out thanks.

If/When that happens, just ignore it.