Error message

Hi, I was building a rule, then I got the following message. I can't get back into the actions anymore without receiving the attached message. Does anyone have any advice regards this issue?

Your rule is damaged, probably by clicking ā€œbackā€ in your browser, or Apps List, without exiting cleanly by clicking Done.

You need to delete the Rule and start over. The Rule Machine editor is fragile.

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Yeah, I thought it may have corrected itself overnight but to no avail. A lesson learned, next time I'm creating a lengthy rule,. Going to create a clone half way through :+1:

Or make a backup. The cloning stuff is new, might fail. But backups work, and have the added benefit of pruning out bad records in the database.

After a couple of experiences like yours, I always backup before editing/creating a rule, and download it to my computer (because the hub only saves the most recent backup for each day), then, when the rule is partway done but in a consistent state, done out and backup/save again, then, when finished, done out and backup/save again. I wish that the rule editor wasnā€™t so fragile, but it is what it is. Apparently, the Done does a Database Commit, and makes everything good. Doing a browser ā€œBackā€ or ā€œApp listā€ is akin to pulling the plug, leaves the database damaged.

Cheers, great advice. I'm very new to Hubitat and I'm winging it as I go along, in any event, thanks for your support. I'm in the UK and smart homes here are not prolific, I feel like a minority but I'm flying the Hubitat flagšŸ‘

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