Error in package manager

@Johndc7 I happened to be looking at my logs this morning and package manager came back with the following. Don't know if you need to do anything

app:512021-02-26 12:00:01.923 am errorBad manifest for Presence Sensor. java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot get property 'betaLocation' on null object Please notify the package developer.

app:512021-02-26 12:00:01.919 am errorError downloading Not Found

I moved that file to a different repo a couple months ago. Maybe try running the match up in HPM again?

Possibly. I'll run an update. Just wanted to let ya know :slight_smile:

Yea I think that's what is was. Thanks :slight_smile:

So after doing a full refresh of everything, when I clicked update on presence sensor I got this

Hmm... I did a backup of my Hubitat, removed all Presence Sensor stuff and started over. When I went to install it, everything went as expected. You can try uninstalling HPM / removing the code for Presence Sensor manually and reinstalling. Maybe it would be better to ask @dman2306 since it seems to be an HPM issue.

The author of the package maintains the manifest. You might need to talk to that developer to take a look.

I am the author of the package lol

Everything seems to work for me and I double checked to make sure all of my links are ok. Here is a link to my repository.json in case you want to double check anything.

It’s not an invalid json issue.

Well that's not actually the manifest file, is but that also looks OK.

@rlithgow1 hat error occurs only if the file is invalid or couldn't be downloaded for some reason. Maybe it was just a network hiccup? Logs when it happens would also be helpful.


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