Error Codes in Logs. Please help

Hi guys,

recently I have changed the driver for my zwave switch and its been working well. But when I look at the logs, there are one big list of errors for all the devices with that driver. below is the error

Anyone can help on this?

Those are not errors. That is just the debug level of device logging. Most drivers will have switch to turn that on or off on the device's info page.

And if it is a native Hubitat driver, debug logging will be turned off automatically after 30 minutes.

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There's no option for me to turn off the debugging there. Since it's not an error, I guess I'll just leave it for now. Thanks

I think debug logging should turn off by itself after 30 minutes.

Which driver are you using that doesn't have the option to turn debug logging off?

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I'm using this Triple Relay from the community drivers list.
I can't find any option to off the debug.

It probably means the developer didn’t include the option to toggle logging on/off in the driver code?

You could post in that thread to make that request, I believe it’s encouraged to turn off debug-level logging automatically in the driver code after some period of time, as @aaiyar mentioned.

It’s generally unnecessary for a device to send that many log events at all times, unless one is truly doing some debugging.

In the future, if you look at your logs and see a “warn” or “error” event coming from a device or app, that’s more likely to actually mean something is wrong. Otherwise all kinds of events can be logged, not just errors.


Sure thanks for the advice.


I managed to add in the code using this method