Error 500

I’m not familiar with hub watchdog, but anything @bptworld (Bryan) publishes is software I’d trust. I’ve got a few of his apps running :slight_smile:

Rootin Tootin will watch for two things by scheduling a command to run every 10 seconds (depending on what setting you’re using).

Rootin’ Tootin’ will then run a check to see if that command executed. If the command failed to execute, that means the DB can’t be read from (500 error), or it means the command is firing way too late (slowdown).

Usually, the command that runs every 10 seconds will get a couple of chances to execute, so it’s pretty failsafe. @codahq very kindly introduced an option to disable RT during the hub’s maintenance window, which does cause some slowdown.


Thanks for this thread,
system was running along as usual - then motion lighting stopped, checked the web browser "System Error 500 - server error"
Got to the :8081 page, then you have to logout, then login (with the mac address which is kinda a PIA) then rebooted the hub and it seems to be back to normal.
Ive removed nearly all non-native software so im not sure why im getting these errors. Messaged / emailed support @bobbyD - see what they can see when they get back to me.

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