Envisalink Integration questions

Can you point me to any information on how to create endpoints on the hub. I have middleware between Envisalink and the hub, that needs to call into the Hubitat app for changes to the state of the DSC.

Here is an example:

   if(!state.accessToken) createAccessToken()
   paragraph("Use this cloud URL to trigger (right click and save): <a href='${getFullApiServerUrl()}/trigger?access_token=$state.accessToken' target='_blank'>Cloud End Point URL</a>")


   paragraph("Use this local URL to trigger (right click and save): <a href='${getFullLocalApiServerUrl()}/trigger?access_token=$state.accessToken' target='_blank'>Local End Point URL</a>")

Those two show you how to create an endpoint, either cloud or local (only available on LAN).

And you need this:

mappings {
	path("/trigger") {
		action: [
		GET: "endPointMethod"

where "endPointMethod" is the method to be called when the endpoint is hit, /trigger aligns with the code above for trigger?access_token

That method should contain something like this:

render contentType: "text/html", data:"$app.label Triggered"

There are a couple ways you could accomplish this, if it is a single device sending messages to the hub, you could create a device driver to handle the messages. If the middleware is sending messages to the hub from multiple devices, you could also go the composite driver route where a single device creates child devices and routes messages to them.

The other option listed above is to create an App and define endpoints that can be called and the App will take care of processing the messages and updating child devices.

Can you post some more information about how your middleware works? I thought I had read about some integration between Envisalink and Smartthings, are you trying to get that working on Hubitat? I would be interested to know what the interface to Envisalink is like, perhaps our hub could connect directly without middleware.


Out of curiosity, I wanted to look at the associated SmartApp and Device Handlers...but I cannot find them any where in the repository linked above. Do you have a link to them that you can share?

UPDATE: Or, I suppose you could just delete your post... :crazy_face:

What do we need to do to get some attention on this? I would love to get HE to talk to alarm server or have HE talks directly to the envisalink.

This conversation was moved not deleted. It's currently going on privately between myself and the HE staff.
I'll be delivering a smart app and device driver that will integrate with Envisalink 3 and 4 in the very near future.


Fair enough! Glad to hear that the Hubitat team is working with you on this integration.