Edit variable from dashboard?

This is the second time I'm posting this because apparently if I mention any other smart home system mods get as jealous as Chris brown and make the thread read only, u know, like a child.

How do I edit a variable with the humidity connector from a dashboard? It's being used as a reference for an automation, or rule or whatever you wanna call it. I tried adding a number variable because that's what it is, a number. I tried attribute but I couldn't edit it. What am I supposed to do to accomplish this? Seriously why is it so difficult with this trash calculator? I asked a question, and proceeded to get

  1. My thread made read only because the mods here are jealous children
  2. Told I should make a custom hybrid driver to do the thing I need.

For something claiming it's simple to use it definitely isn't actually capable of doing necessary things. Theirs no reason this shouldn't be easily possible. Just add an "edit" check box to all tiles in dashboard that allows changing it, and if it's not a virtual device just have it not work I guess. Or let you manually change the devices attribute who cares, at some point someone is gonna wanna do that too. I need to activate and deactivate a switch controlling a water pump based on the "humidity" of ecowitt soil moisture sensors.

It's like every time I try to give this device a chance to do something important I wind up about two steps away from putting it down a garbage disposal and whenever I ask a question about how to do it the mods get touchy because I mention that another unnamed smart home (because If I name it the mods will whine and then lock the thread) is perfectly capable of doing it using only simple gui selection screens and when I mention it's easier I just get "but like four years ago it was less developed and harder to use and I never bothered trying to use it again so therefore it's still bad now and I'll use it's progress four years ago to justify my conclusions, and proceeded to ignore the fact that this person actually needs help doing something specific on the hubitat" like seriously for something that's actually not Open source and profit driven you would think it would be better but clearly this shows the issues with capitalism as a whole because God damn if this community that I paid for access to by purchasing the device isn't totally hostile to using anything other than a hubitat or even the mention of the fact that this device is little more than a graphing calculator with proprietary code that can use three different wireless standards for communication.

Thanks for your feedback we have added your request to the list of future enhancements.

As for moderators locking threads, that only happens if a solution was provided to the initial question. If that wasn't the case, please provide a link to the closed thread. If it was accidentally closed, we can always reopen it upon request. All you need to do is to send a message to @support_team to have the thread unlocked.

It was made read only. It has nearly the same name. It's from this account.

Says they don't lock posts. Proceeds to lock post. The cognitive dissonance is hilarious. What am I supposed to now message you and tell you to unlock the thread about how I shouldn't have to tell you to unlock a thread? Like do you have no sense of irony?

Derailing your own thread for a feature request is sure way to have the thread locked. When you have a chance, please read the community guidlines to learn more about when the moderators might intervene:


That’s nonsense. There are probably hundreds of threads in which competing smart home systems are discussed.

Are you referring to this thread? Hard to say for sure.

Doesn’t appear to be locked AFAICT.

People prone to accusatory and baseless assumptions, who then start to insult others with profanity-laced posts, are more likely to get the threads they create locked or deleted, yes.

There’s no cognitive dissonance in that, though, and the explanation is quite simple: No one wants to read it.


I'm actually not seeing any locked threads in any thread you've started or posted in. I've seen your post above where you were being nasty and that got flagged (a regular person did that, not a mod) but beyond that no threads are locked. You have gotten to the point of attacking people and to be honest while the thread may not get locked, I can pretty much without a doubt say that people will avoid helping you because of this attitude. My suggestion to you is relax. Start over. If someone doesn't reply to your question, that usually means they don't know the answer but eventually someone will come by with a solution. If they don't, so be it. Attacking people because you don't have an answer is not a way to gain friends and influence people.

We all talk about Vera, ST, HA, Lutron, etc. Many of us integrate existing home automation systems with Hubitat or integrate Hubitat into existing systems. Heck lots of HA integration options in Hubitat Package Manager. Hubitat natively has support to integrate into Smart Things (Prior to their recent conversion) So to say that people get upset about the mention of other home automation systems is not only false, it's silly.

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To others who have posted here:
Let's not discount @user3332 's account of what he/she is experiencing in terms of having threads closed. Threads can be re-opened, I assume, which is a good sign if that has happened.

@user3332 - People are quite open here, whether it be to criticism or mention of alternate platforms. If you are feeling what feels like some unfair treatment, I implore you to reach out to BobbyD and the support team to understand the rules of engagement in more detail. We all want a harmonious Community, and I feel like you do to, it is just a case of a misunderstanding....

I'll leave others to be more forthright in their responses while I try to play peacemaker.... I will at least echo their sentiment to approach any request for help with healthy sense of curiosity and an open mind to where the issue come from. Just as you have objected to the closure of topics you created, sometimes the tone we take when posting a request for assistance can also illicit a similar response, when we are too emotive and negative towards the platform. Don't get me wrong, we have all been there and can share the frustration that can come when IT does not work like we expect, but let's not subject those responsible for all that is good about this platform with all the frustrations in raw form.

Perhaps I have done the inverse and let loose with no real benefit.... Hopefully there is some benefit.....

I'd also echo the openness I have seen in conversations about third-party platforms. But, personally, I'd encourage constructive conversation about how to integrate with these platforms.
Striking that balance and what is acceptable, I will leave to others to instruct on how to achieve that....

Wink sucks

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I still can't understand why you haven't been banned already.... There must be some kind of prior arrangement.... :slight_smile:


Compromising pictures of Bruce... :rofl:


The ban rate here is vanishingly low, easily less than 0.1%. Kinda hard to get TOSsed.

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Oh, those ones of him using SmartThings...


Cool, I learned something new from this thread... how to set a user to 'ignore' :slight_smile:



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