Edit Switch Indicator Light with Rule Machine?

On most switches (I have GE Embrighten) there is that blue indicator light when can be set to either always off, on when on, or on when off. Can this setting be changed using rule machine?

Every switch in the house has that setting to "Always off", but I use the double-tap functionality on one of the switches to hold my garage door open -> Double tap up and it turns on the "Hold Garage Door" smart switch which prevents the garage door from automatically going down.

What I want is to turn that indicator on whenever the garage door hold is on. And I can use a simple If statement:
If (Garage Hold = On and Switch = On) then "indicator light on when on"
else if (Garage Hold = On and Switch = Off) then "indicator light on when off"
else "indicator light always off"

Thanks for any input!

This can only be modified from an app if the device exposes the setting as a command (on the device page, this would appear as a button towards the top--with things like "On" or "Off"). On all stock drivers I've seen, this is exposed as a preference instead (in the "Preferences" section below this), which won't work; apps, including Rule Machine, can only run device commands.

So: if yours happens to be a command or there's a custom driver out there that exposes it as such, then you'd be able to; otherwise, you wouldn't be able to.

Thank You