Edit custom action value

Please allow the value of a parameter in a custom action to be edited when editing the action. Right now the value shows as text rather than in an input field. Or allow an individual action to be removed.

Yeah, that would be handy.

Or maybe the ability to use a global variable for the parameter value.

Something to think about for a future release @bravenel . I understand if it doesn't make the cut, though, too.

Considering we couldn't do this at all before now, it is hard to complain too much. :grin:

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Individual actions can be removed.

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This is allowed now. Use the %var-name% format. You can put any of the other values in there also, like %value% for last event value, etc.

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I didn't think about that... Thanks for the reminder!

Just be sure the variable is of the correct type for the parameter.

Aww come on. I can't shove "fifty five" into the number slot? :grin::grin::grin:

(That was a joke)

Probably you can, and probably it won't work.

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Ha ha ha. Worth a try just for the hell of it.

Ah, I meant remove an individual parameter. Appreciate the overall action can be deleted and recreated.