EcoLink Z-Wave Plus Dual Rocker Battery Not Reporting

Just installed, works great but will not report battery like in ST. Any ideas or help will be appreciated.

If the device isn't on the supported list you may want to ask support to add it along with support for battery reporting. Perhaps this is a question for @mike.maxwell

Thanks! FYI , it is on supported list

What device is this?, I don't recognize it...

I have a few of these and they're all reporting the battery every 3 hours...

Click the Refresh tile and then open the events screen and see if it creates a new event.

Eco Link
I automated Kitchen and Dining Florescent Lights, had no neutrals in my house. Works good.

You are correct. It is reporting now. Reporting 0% which is what ST was last reporting. Still kind of strange the way it reports though, even did the same in ST. It will work long after the battery shows 0%. Tested batteries with meter, still got some life. Gonna see how long it will go. Put batteries in around Christmas. THANKS!

These things burn through batteries. It will continue reporting on/off for a long time after it starts reporting 0% battery, but I've found that its ability to control the switch becomes unreliable.

I don't believe it automatically reports the battery level when powered on so after replacing the batteries you have to click refresh to update it or wait a few hours.
