EcoLink Model PIR-ZWAVEW2.5-ECO will not discover Hub C-7. Discovers fine with C-4 Hub

@bobbyD. Cannot get the Ecolink to discover on the new C-7. Discovers fine on my C-4. ( I did exclude the device)

Hubitat Elevation® Platform Version -

Hardware Version - Rev C-7

P.S. Before adding the Ecolink, I had one Zigbee device working and added two zwave motions with no success. Rebooted, and the Hub never returned to a login screen. Had to go to the IP:8081 and roll back firmware to

Did you ever try doing a hub shut down (instead of reboot) and then pulling power for 30s to ensure the radios are fully reboot/cleared out?

Doesn't always help, but does quite often.

I did power down. But did not wait 30 seconds. Waited 5-10 seconds.

Did the 30 second plus power down. Motions are working and Ecolink discovered... Thanks JasonJoel


Glad it helped. It doesn't fix everything (or even most things), but it can help if the radio is being cranky - which should be rare. May happen more often during a lot of pairing activity, but having to pull power is not a normal thing to have to do / or you should expect to have to do long term.