Ecolink DWZWAVE2.5-ECO Door/Window Sensor Enable External Contacts

I found a few postings that recommended the Ecolink DWZWAVE2.5-ECO Door/Window Sensor. Can anyone tell me how to enable the external contacts?

Nothing is needed. They are always enabled.

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Ok, so after some experimenting, I discovered that for this model, the magnet should not be near the sensor. The external contacts work, but only when the magnet is outside the range of the sensor.

Sorry, I thought that was a given. The device only offers 1 input. It would either sense the magnet/reed OR the External, not both/either at the same time, That would be monitoring two inputs. :slight_smile:

I guess if you made sure the external was open during the window you wanted to use the magnet, that would work, and vise versa.. keep the magnet away when you want to use the External. But if you have the External closed, then bring the magnet in, nothing happens.

I guess that makes it a boolean OR. :smiley:


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