Ecolink 2.5 contact sensor slow response C7

Ecolink 2.5. Check this response time out. I have tried repair, refresh, etc.....all with awake mode on etc. Its sooooooo slow to trigger my automations.!

With what little you have given us, we don't have much to go on here.

What does the rest of your Zwave table look like? Node 36 would be especially helpful to see here, but seeing your whole table would be best.

How many Zwave devices do you have, especially line powered devices like light switches or repeaters?

What Hub firmware are you on currently?

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So route looks to be: Hub, Basement Relay, Garage Bay Lights, Kitchen Door Contact.

Without knowing what your layout physically looks like, lots of devices seem to have low signal strength (RSSI). A couple places I saw mention rssi range is from -94 dBm to -32 dBm.

I am speculating a bit here, but I suspect you might be having mesh issues due to not enough repeating devices or not enough in the right spots to be effective.

Anyone else have thoughts?

Perhaps I get standalone repeaters on each floor? I take it the standalone repeater are stronger in signal than say a powered zwave device that serves as a repeater?

The Basement Relay is a Zen16 about 7 feet from the hub, Garage Bay Lights is a GE Enbrighten about 16ft from the Basement Relay. The Kitchen door Contact is a ecolink 2.5 battery contact about 15 feet from the Garage Bay Lights through a floor.

I have ordered two Aeotec Range Extender 7s. I will place one above the hub on the second floor and one above that one on the third floor.

How are your Ecolink contact sensors working on the C-7 hub?

I read in another thread that there are some issues with the Ecolink and the C-7.

They seem to work fine. I did upgrade a few revisions and installed repeaters at same time. They do not give me failed or long ms response times any more. I do have to suppress additional signals. I feel like it was a revision fix not repeater signal solution. Nothing in my device list is less than -4 db.

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