Ecobee token issues again

EDIT: TL,DR - the error is meaningless, ignore it.

I've seen this a few times since switching over to hubitat. Running 2.0.2.

Anyone else see this? If I go into the Ecobee Integration app and simply hit done (don't change login info or anything else) it seems to clear up,

app:22018-12-20 04:14:00.484 pm infoHttpResponseException Internal Server Error, 500 polling ecobee pollAttempt:1, isThermostatPolled:false, isSwitchesPolled:true, [status:[code:14, message:Authentication token has expired. Refresh your tokens. ]]

app:22018-12-20 03:14:00.432 pm infoHttpResponseException Internal Server Error, 500 polling ecobee pollAttempt:1, isThermostatPolled:false, isSwitchesPolled:true, [status:[code:14, message:Authentication token has expired. Refresh your tokens. ]]

app:22018-12-20 02:14:00.450 pm infoHttpResponseException Internal Server Error, 500 polling ecobee pollAttempt:1, isThermostatPolled:false, isSwitchesPolled:true, [status:[code:14, message:Authentication token has expired. Refresh your tokens. ]]

I believe that just means that the integration is refreshing your tokens every hour. I do not actually have to open the App at all and my Ecobees continue to respond. There have been a few other threads that agree that the log message is a little mis-leading. It could imply that you need to take an action to 'Refresh your tokens' when in fact the message is just indicating that it IS refreshing your tokens.

I asked about that error. They told me not to worry, that it is normal, only worry if the poll counts starts climbing above 1. I used to be on Vera and every so often you'd get EcoBee errors and have to reauthorize over and over again.

I had automatically gone in and reauthorized on HE when I saw the error thinking it was the same thing. Since they said not to worry, I I have not bothered and everything works fine.


Looking through the actual data on my devices, everything seems to have been updating - even when I was getting that message. So I guess the message isn't important.

Sorry for the over reaction / false alarm...