EcoBee set point separation issues

I have used hubitats thermostat scheduler app as well as rule machine to attempt to set auto mode set points for the ecobee thermostat. I cannot get the ecobee to accept a command of a setpoint separation less than five degrees. I can manually set this at the thermostat itself quite easily but when habitat pushes the command to the thermostat it will override to the default minimum five degrees separation.

First, welcome to the community!

5 degree separation is set in Ecobee settings. There are instructions online how to change that separation to as little 2 degrees. It is not recommended and can cause your HVAC to short-cycle which is very inefficient and hard on equipment. It can only be changed at the device, not on webpage or mobile app.

Threshold settings for ecobee thermostats – ecobee Support.

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Thank you for the quick reply. I like this community already.

The being said, if I'm understanding you correctly, even though the thermostat scheduler app gives you the option to change your auto mode set point separation variance it's not possible remotely through ecobee's servers?

That's my understanding. The minimum variance is 2 degrees F. Ecobee is trying to protect you from yourself and doing damage to your HVAC system.

Well... Alright then. Thanks lol

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