Ecobee Not Logging Correct Setpoints after 2.4.0 Upgrade


Interesting problem I am seeing today after rolling up to 2.4.0. The built in Ecobee driver is not reporting the correct set point. In this example, 74 is the correct expected set point for sleep mode, and I see that setting on the Ecobee screen as set by Habitat. However, on the device page within Habitat, I am seeing 73.5 as the setpoint. Because I log this into a global variable, and use that information for automations, not seeing the expecting set point is causing a little bit of havoc with my rules. Actually, my rule to log the variable is rounding the incoming variable down from 73.5 to 73 when it logs in the variable table. Any help or guidance would be very appreciated.

Screenshot 2024-12-30 at 12.17.13 AM
Screenshot 2024-12-30 at 12.31.06 AM

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As an update to this, I rolled back to 2.3.9 and everything is fine. It seems to be specific to certain comfort settings when I see a wrong set point record, usually a 73.5 when I should see 74.

I went chasing this issue and don't spot any differences between 2.3.x and 2.4.x, but will say that both seem to report mismatched values (edit: sometimes) for things like CoolingSetpoint and ThermostatSetpoint under Events, whenever I make changes. For example, if I set Cool to 74, my Ecobee device immediately updates its TS (under "Events", not the "Commands" pane) to 71.5 a second later:

Back on the Device Details / Commands page, the values match:

Can't say this is weird, wrong or even new since it affects both my hubs, but "everything is working fine." On the other hand, I can't explain the disparity nor clarify for you whether it's a Hubitat issue or (as I suspect) something originating from the Ecobee API itself.

For now, I'd suggest updating your automations to watch whichever attribute you find more "reliable", include an "And stays set for NN seconds" to your rule condition, and/or match against ranges instead of specific temp values.

Just thinking of anything that could change the setpoints automatically.........any chance you have an offset for temperature correction or have adjusted the heat and/or cooling differential temperatures in the settings on the ecobee itself?

Check the thermostatSetpoint attribute, it updates a few minutes later from the API and should match the thermostats’

I’ve reported a similar (and probably related) issue to staff during beta. When the temperature scale is Celsius, there are two set points that are unachievable due to apparent rounding errors.


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Thank you all for the advice. I will try rolling back up and playing around with it some more. I will report back.

Alright so rolling back up I was getting the same issue. For whatever reason, it seems to be specific to one comfort mode. I created a duplicate of that comfort mode and reassigned the trigger and it seems to work... I will keep an eye on it. Not sure why that one comfort mode would cause the rounding error.