@mike.maxwell I think I saw on another post you were going to be looking into thermostat stuff today, and wanted to report an issue I have been having with the built in Ecobee integration driver.
I noticed that in my dashboard, my thermostat tiles always say the thermostat is idle, and never engages the Heating template. Looked in the device driver, and noticed that the driver always says idle, so looks like dashboard is not the issue.
I thought maybe the integration lost it's connection, so I changed the heat point from 69 to 75 using the driver. The heat point on the thermostat changed right away to reflect the new 75 degree setting, but still reported idle. I waited until the house got to 72 just in case it was in some kind of pre-heat mode or something. Driver never reported back anything other than idle.
This screenshot is from while the heat was engaged and heating.
Thank you