Echo Speaks / Heroku end anxiety support group. See one solution below. πŸ™‚

For me, it quit working when I did something in the app around the end of December (can’t remember what) and that prompted me to setup a computer with Ubuntu. I am now running Pi-Hole, an ntp server, Homebridge (which had been running on Windows), and ES from it. Now I’m glad this happened. It was much easier than I thought it would be.


Check out Adguard Home. I switched from Pi-Hole over the AGH and like it better.

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Thanks. I’ll check it out.

What do you like about AdGuard over Pi-Hole?

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  • More polished clean interface and settings
  • Supports DOT/DOH (and others) upstream out of the box
  • Allow-lists built in
  • Supports better block lists (regex style), also supports traditional style lists.
  • More useful info in query log


  • Miss some of the charts on PiHole. Mainly the upstream DNS being used pie chart. I was able to make something in Grafana eventually to cover that.
  • Custom filtering rules is just a giant text entry box, but has more options.
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Thanks, this helped me as well

@bcopeland And updates on TTS for HomePod? Is this true, rumor or ??

He's mentioned it eventually but he has a couple of other things that take priority.

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I am still using GitHub - TonyFleisher/echo-speaks-server at docker-enablement which works. Any reason to switch to something else?


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I followed all of the instructions and I can’t figure out why it’s not recording the IP address. I can see the login page when I go to that ip:8091 address.

Is there anyway to manually change this address?

Check this guide which covers how to set the IP when running with docker: [GUIDE] Echo Speaks Server on Docker (and alternates)

The second post has some alternate install methods as well, and a link to this post which shows how to set the IP when running without docker (via pm2): [RELEASE] Echo Speaks V4 - #1229 by jtp10181


@jtp10181 any chance I can leverage this same app to pull in an Echo Glow?

It might see it, not sure what you would be able to do with it though.

From the bottom of the Amazon link you posted:

Echo Glow does not contain microphones or speakers.

I agree with Jeff (@jtp10181). Hard to see how such a device could be used by Echo Speaks.

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Sorry, yes I know it doesn't have any mic/speaker but was wondering if it had similar API endpoints, etc for being able to control the lights and followed the Echo pattern of integrations. Apologies if that was a dumb assumption :slight_smile:

All this integration can do is speak.

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gotcha, thanks sir!

i noticed today that echo speaks was released about 3 weeks ago. i tried to update via hubitat package manager but it fails. is it okay to install i don't know what has changed, where can i see release notes? should i manually install it, how would i do that? currently i am paying heroku but would love to stop paying.

It updated fine for me. Believe it was cleanup and adding a few new Echo devices. I have run the local login server on a Raspberry Pi 4b for almost a year and a half (since Heroku announced it would charge), has always been solid for me.