Echo Speaks / Heroku end anxiety support group. See one solution below. 🙂

I don't get why everyone is in such a panic.

This is from the app creator:

tonesto7 Sep 4

"I swear you guys are very impatient!
Just relax and use the current server... we have almost 3 months!
I will have the new version ready before then"


Looked at that and my brain just disintegrated. Unfortunately I'm a noob otherwise I'd lend a hand. I'm not sure if there's any special requirements to move from a regular Docker image to a Docker image within Container Station.

Not so much related to Heroku (I got that localized to a RPi recently, but I also with the change warnings realized I was running an older version of Echo Speaks. I started updating from couple of year old version to 4.x on apps; and as I got to the drivers, I noticed the WebSocket code is not published. My app works with a bunch of errors after I clicked on actions feature and got an error that won't clear either with restarts of app or HE. But I use Sharptools for front end, so I can play media and still control. I do notice also that he album art no longer shows and grouped speakers are in and out (it plays on one for one song and then all of them for another). Just curious with all the transitions I missed up until Heroku announcement, whether there is a gap in my upgrades or bug fixes. Since I have app error when I open, I cannot show the versions summary table, but it seems to be:
apps: ES app., actions, and zones-
drivers: ws- (July 2021); device and device zone-

My only concern about waiting for the new method or app from @tonesto7 is we have not had many updates on an ETA for this... I am more than willing to donate btw.

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We are in a "not bugging Tony" mode, preferably. This is just the "anxiety support group" but has morphed a bit into an "exploring alternatives as a from of group therapy" group.

I expect donations are appreciated and have been made so feel free to donate - if not for a new version but perhaps as a thank you for being such a great contributor in the past.

We are not allied with any sect, religion, or .... oops. Never mind.



I had my fair share of strife on this one and hence, I wrote the "how-to" blog to help out our HE Echo Speaks users.


Starting @vmsman recipe now on fresh sD and fresh Pi OS!

OK, so I have some info in case anyone else is trying to install on Windows. You can install Ubuntu on Windows from the Microsoft app store, then just go through the steps in post #56. I watched this video How to Install Ubuntu on Windows 11 (WSL) - YouTube but its pretty straight forward to install Ubuntu on Windows. I haven't finished the everything but when I type in the IP address of the computer with :8091, I can see the Echo Speaks service page so that is encouraging. Hope this helps someone out there.



Worked first time!

I did restart the Pi and log in to my Amazon account a couple times but @vmsman 's instructions are perfect.

Running on my Raspberry Pi 4 on Pi OS with no containers or other complexity.


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Glad to have helped. Check out my channel for lots of other how-to's mostly on LXD, Docker and networking including VLANs.


i did this in an lxd container on container station on my qnap nas. i get to the last part to pull up the ip and nothing happens.

i saw in another thread to do ip a and i get this
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000
link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
inet scope host lo
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
inet6 ::1/128 scope host
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
27: eth0@if28: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP group default qlen 1000
link/ether 00:16:3e:8e:69:82 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff link-netnsid 0
inet metric 100 brd scope global dynamic eth0
valid_lft 42060sec preferred_lft 42060sec
inet6 fe80::216:3eff:fe8e:6982/64 scope link
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

how do i get the container to be set to my ip of my name which is 192.x

@tomm1313 Check out my guide to create a LXD bridge. I use this on QNAP with no issues. LXD Containers Bridged to the MAIN LAN & Connected via Macvlan - ScottiByte's Discussion Forum. If you still need help, private message me and we can tag up online.

Watch this video in particular. Network Bridge vs Macvlan on LXD - YouTube

Ralph. Using WSL2 (Windows Subsystem for Linux) won't work in this case because your WSL will be running in a NAT and won't be reachable inbound easily from your HE Echo Speaks app. If you want to do this on Windows, install an Ubuntu server as a Virtual Machine using Hyper-V and you will be okay. WSL is a great ad-hoc utility to have in any event.


after reading/watching i still was not 100% sure what i was doing. I switched the container from NAT to Bridged and then did IP A and was able to see that it was given an IP address. so i used that IP and it all worked.


OK, thanks. I'll have to look into that. Will Virtualbox work also?

Sure, virtualbox is fine. Hyper-V on Windows is a better performer than VirtualBox, but if you are running Windows Home than Hyper-V is not an option. Just install Ubuntu 22.04 server with the ssh server only. You don't need the full up desktop overhead. Personally, I install these type apps in a LXD container, but that requires having a Linux server. Honestly, I believe that the more home automation that you do, the more instances of locally served applications you will have to stay out of the cloud.

Here's a taste of what one of my little servers is running. Every one of these apps is a LXD container which is like a super lean VM running on a $270 Ryzen 5 small form factor system with 32GB of RAM and a 500GB NVMe.


hello everyone, even in Italy we are anxious about Heroku and echo speaks! I was thinking of buying a raspberry pi, is an old version enough or should I necessarily buy the newer one? for example, is a PI model 3 b sufficient?

I’m using a RPi 3b and it works great. Another nice advantage is that I set the RPi up to use WiFi only so I can put it anywhere in my house without having to plug it into an ethernet port.