Echo / Aus / Pipe dream-question

Ok, this is aus related cause if your echo is spec'd to aus location some things arn't available here (we dont get contact sensor / temp sensor access here - for no reason).

I want my echo to speak a bunch of content (HE if echo cant) - to be like every sci fi movie i've ever seen.

IE - At a certain time, I want it to say:
Good morning, today is the X of november, the weather is going to be X, the chance of rain is X, you have X things on your calendar for the day.

Anyone know how to achieve this ?

Not that i have looked into it, but have you checked out the daily briefing? It may do what you want

Does ‘echo speaks’ not work in Aus?


I use BigTalker and GHM to do similar to that sort of thing or RM.
E.g. Hourly Google tells me “I suppose you’re not interested but it is %time%”
Random lunchtime announcements like “Hey, did someone order Taco’s” or Ok, I’m just ordering sushi, for lunch”
Then some others like ......
“I think I the dog has just taken a dump in the lounge”

Tells me what bins to put out each week and that I really should have left the house by now if I’m going to work.

My wife thinks someone else is scripting the comments and says that she thinks they’re stupid. LOL

i'll check it out - but I want it to work on a schedule and I dont think Alexa can do schedules for briefings

Yeah... I ended up buying an ikea sonos speaker, its been a lot less stressful lol
plus i'd still need a way for her to spew out the info

Hilarious, lol

Message Central can do the weather bit for you if you have some kind of weather device to collect the relevant data
I have a regular weather report daily at 11am
As I’ve said too many times before.. my apps will be back soon


Can't wait to get more of your apps again! Been loving your presence central!

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I think this might be what your trying to acheive?

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will check it out mate

In regard to contact sensors I can ask if the contact sensors on my doors or windows are open, Alexa will tell me if it is open or closed eg "Alexa - is the laundry door open" - "The Laundry door is closed". Would be good to just ask if anything is open or something like that but works Ok when we're abut to head out and are not sure if we closed a door or window. I use the smart things multi purpose sensor exposed through HE to Alexa. Is that what you were trying to do?