Duress Disarming - HSM not disarming from keypad

When I do that, it actually takes the keypad on which I entered the duress disarm back to an armed state.

What, when you hit Done in HSM?


Is HSM armed or disarmed? Open the app and see what it says.

Then arm it from the app, and then disarm from the app. See if that clears the keypad state.


When I disarm it from within the app it disarms HSM and clears all keypads.

OK. So when you hit Done before, it was armed. so the keypad should have been in armed state.

Once the keypad and HSM are both disarmed, hit Done in HSM. Then arm from keypad, and see if disarm works from keypad.

To tell HSM state, you either need to open the app, or refresh the Apps page. The Apps page is not dynamic. For that matter neither is the app page. Both need to be refreshed to see the current state of HSM.

Just followed the steps you recommended; failure mode still the same:

  • Bedroom keypad in disarmed state
  • Entryway Keypad in Armed-Home state
  • HSM in Armed-Home state.

And yes...I made the observation that the Apps page is not dynamic within the first few minutes of exploration in the UI.

You disarmed from Bedroom keypad? And that failed. What about the other keypad?

Same result no matter which keypad I initiate the arm/disarm from.

I am sitting at my desk with both keypads right in front of me.

And neither will arm or disarm HSM?

Negative. Either will arm the HSM just fine with the other keypad following the HSM state. Neither will disarm so long as a trigger exists for key code entry without adding the HSM disarm action.

To figure out what is going on, please remove the trigger completely.

If the trigger doesn't exist, do they arm and disarm?

Correct. As soon as I remove the trigger, everything works just fine.

Sent you a PM.

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