What does "dropped frame" imply?
(This, from my logs: warnPower Monitor: dropped frame)
Things seem to work okay.
What does "dropped frame" imply?
(This, from my logs: warnPower Monitor: dropped frame)
Things seem to work okay.
What device (make and model) and what driver are you using? Without additional information, it is very hard for the community to provide any assistance.
Dumb me! I carefully included a log entry and ignored the fact the it reported my label not the device itself.
The device is is a "Ring Alarm Range Extender". I use it to alert me to power outages. Thus the label, "Power Monitor".
Sorry and thanks -
Mike Mahoney
Tagging @bcopeland , as I believe he most likely wrote Hubitat’s driver for that device. He should be able to explain the meaning of the warning log message.