I'm having problems with a Zen17 input sensors when using "Send Input Status Only" (both 700 and 800 series) and would appreciate any guidance.
In a test setup I have a Zen17 800 series (firmware 2.10) as the only device sitting next to a C8 running, community driver v1.2.0 (same behavior seen on a C8-Pro with many devices). Regular/secure zwave pairing. I've unpaired and factory reset the Zen17 and re-paired it multiple times.
- configVals: [1:0, 2:7, 3:7, 5:0, 6:0, 7:0, 8:0, 9:0, 10:1, 11:0, 15:0, 16:0, 17:0, 18:0, 19:0, 20:0, 24:0, 25:5, 26:5, 27:0]
- deviceId: 40970
- deviceModel: ZEN17
- deviceType: 28672
- firmwareVersion: 2.10
- hardwareVersion: 2
- inClusters: 0x5E,0x9F,0x55,0x6C
- manufacturer: 634
- protocolVersion: 7.19
- S2: 3
- secureInClusters: 0x25,0x8E,0x59,0x85,0x86,0x73,0x60,0x72,0x87,0x7A,0x5A,0x70
- zwaveSecurePairingComplete: true
- zwNodeInfo: D3 9C 03 04 10 00 5E 9F 55 6C 68 23 F1 00 25 8E 59 85 5C 86 73 60 72 87 7A 5A 70
When the Zen17 Input Control S1 is set to "Send Input Status Only" (P10, 0) and Input Type for S1C terminals is set to "Contact Sensor" (P2, 7). If I put a wire between S1 and C, nothing shows in the live logs on S1 or the main device. No live log to provide, it is blank (Past logs show "Installed). Where you would expect to see the state of the sensor on its screen, it has "Current States" as words, but no colon followed by the actual state as I'm used to seeing.
If I change Input Control S1 to "Active Relay and Status" (P10, 1) and place a wire between S1 and C, the relay turns on and off and the physical on/off shows in the Zen17 live logs, but I get nothing from S1 for other logic.
dev:1262024-08-12 05:24:20.009 PMinfoZooz ZEN17 Universal Relay Advanced - Relay 1: switch is turned off (physical)
dev:1252024-08-12 05:24:19.476 PMinfoTestGate: switch is turned off (physical)
dev:1262024-08-12 05:24:17.312 PMinfoZooz ZEN17 Universal Relay Advanced - Relay 1: switch is turned on (physical)
dev:1252024-08-12 05:24:16.776 PMinfoTestGate: switch is turned on (physical)
dev:1262024-08-12 05:22:29.378 PMinfoZooz ZEN17 Universal Relay Advanced - Relay 1: switch is turned off (physical)
dev:1252024-08-12 05:22:28.832 PMinfoTestGate: switch is turned off (physical)
dev:1262024-08-12 05:22:25.393 PMinfoZooz ZEN17 Universal Relay Advanced - Relay 1: switch is turned on (physical)
dev:1252024-08-12 05:22:24.846 PMinfoTestGate: switch is turned on (physical)
dev:1252024-08-12 05:21:44.067 PMwarnTestGate: Cleaning up Sensor Child 1S Current States
dev:1252024-08-12 05:21:43.741 PMwarnTestGate: Cleaning up Sensor Child 2S Current States
dev:1252024-08-12 05:21:39.132 PMinfoTestGate: Logging Level is: Info (2)