Driver for Tuya E12 RBGW Bulb?

Hi @dibs ,

I am afraid that I will not be able to help too much with this issue. I wrote quickly the ''Tuya Advanced Zigbee RGBW Bulb" driver as a temporary workaround for Hubitat former "F2 bug" problem, which is fixed in the latest platform versions and is not an issue anymore.

Have you tried this GU10 bulb with the HE inbuilt drivers?

I see some unusual Zigbee clusters in the fingerprint (1888, FFEE), probably there are some specifics for this devices.

If the direct Zigbee pairing doesn't work satisfactorily, you can consider using a Tuya Zigbee hub, where all Tuya devices have 100% full functionality support.

At the moment, the Tuya Zigbee RGBW bulbs paired to Tuya Zigbee hubs can be integrated into Hubitat using the Tuya Cloud Driver, and hopefully after a few weeks or months - via the Matter Bridge integration.

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