Double switch without neutral aqara

Hello friends I just received the double switch from aqara without neutral QBKG03LM, I have linked it to the first one but it does not work for me when I enter device, no button, could you help me?

Is there no manual with it?

I can't find anything, how to make them work.

Model QBKG03LM
Vendor Xiaomi
Description Aqara double key wired wall switch without neutral wire. Doesn't work as a router and doesn't support power meter
Exposes switch (state), temperature, action, operation_mode, linkquality

Press and hold the button on the device for +- 10 seconds (until the blue light starts blinking and stops blinking), release and wait.

What do you see in the 'Data' section.

I have it linked, but I don't know how to configure the buttons

Its paired? What driver is it using?

Do you have the 'Generic Child Switch' driver installed?

metadata {
    definition (name: "Generic Child Switch", namespace: "guyee", author: "P�ter Guly�s") {
        capability "Refresh"
        capability "Actuator"
        capability "Switch"
        capability "Light"

def refresh() {

void on() { 
    log.debug "$device on"

void off() {
    log.debug "$device off"


What is in this section.

Nooo!! do you have to install it ????

OK. Install the Generic Child driver.
I see you have rules already so DO NOT delete.
Try pushing the create child devices and see if it installs them.

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where is that option

Sorry Recreate child devices.

I just installed the driver, I go to my device, I give recreatechillddecive and it does nothing to me

Maybe try
Delete children then
Recreate child devices

Hang on.
What is the name of your driver.
I'm using 'Aqara 1/2 wall sw, no neutral'.
From the screenshot above it is different to yours.

Comeonnn my Friends!!