Door lock

Hello, I am looking for a lock for my house, that is integrated into hubitat, do you know of any friends? Thank you!!

I use Schlage and Yale (level model and dead bolts), both integrate well. I had issue with Zwave models, so I replaced them with ZigBee and they work much better for me. I know some here also use August. For my wife she did not like the look of August and liked the "Camelot" series look of the Yale

Also know Yale offers a 20% discount if you call them, and ask for it.

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I use Schlage, Kwikset and August. the August lock is tempermental inside of HE but works well as a stand alone lock...

Could you pass me purchase links? I'm from Spain, I don't know if they'll sell it here

Here's a link to Yale, but I have no clue what it says (ignorant American here sorry). These are not the same lock sold here in the USA, so I cannot be much help for you there.

FYI - You might want to add your location to the title or OP. Someone from that area might be able to better assist you.

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