Door lock event or status condition?

This should be the easiest thing in the world but I just can't get it. I want a rule that at a specific time at night checks to see if a door lock is locked or unlocked and speaks a different message in either case.
I have used a time trigger and a simple IF the lock is locked/unlocked but it doesn't seem to work. Almost as if it is waiting for the an event (i.e. the locked is locked or unlocked), rather than simply checking the state of the lock is locked or unlocked.
Any help would be appreciated.

What kind of lock is it? Can you share your rule?

Thanks jabecker. Yale Assure using generic zigbee lock driver. This works fine and accurately reports the lock status.
This is my attempt

That rule looks fine to me (a few more clicks than you need since your ELSE-IF with that condition is logically equivalent to a plain ELSE, but again: equivalent). What's far more likely is that your Chromecast devices just aren't responding. You can try something from their device page to see for sure, but this will usually "wakes them up" for a while so anything after that for a bit is likely to work as expected. Enabling logging for at least your rule actions will show what your rule actually thinks it's doing. I forget how people have worked around this problem--is it an "initialize" on the Chromecast before the speak? If so, you could add that to your rule.

Thanks. I'll give it a try when I get home tonight.

Thanks bertabcd1234. I think there must have been something funny happening with the chromecasts. I removed them all and had them re-found and now working properly. Thanks.

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