Door check in RM

I am trying to move over from Webcore and get my head around RM but having problems with what would be best way to go about when Mode Change to night if there are any doors open then TTS will play out to let me know. I found this [UPDATED] Check Open Windows & Doors and that would of been perfect but seems to be dead now.

Make your rule trigger "Mode becomes NIGHT", and then use conditionals in the actions to check the doors and act accordingly.

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Thanks for that!
That way it sort of works, in that TTS comes out however when I have '%device% is left %value%' It just says "Home is left Night" so device is my hub and value being Night mode.

Any way around that apart from just saying 'A door is left open' and not having the specif door?

This app, along with all my others is not β€˜dead’ it’s just taking a rest right now while I revamp the platform it sits on.


Don't know how many doors and windows you have? In my case not so much so I would do one rule per door / window. That way you don't need %device%. It could also be done within one rule, but I like to keep my rules simple and small.


That is a good idea, I might just do that as it is only 4 sensors.