Dome Leak Sensor wake up times

I have a Dome Leak Sensor connected to HE. The wet/dry notifications show up OK, ( not a good range though) however the sensor never reports its state. The documentation: API Documentation states that the wakeup interval is set by default to 12 hours.
Wake Up V2 (84) The wake-up interval is set in seconds, and is 43,200 seconds (12 hours) by default. The wake-up interval can be set to any value from 300s (5 minutes) to 16,777,200s (about 190 days) in 60-second increments.

There is no way to change that with the Hubitat driver for this sensor though.
Did anyone have a better luck with this sensor on Hubitat ?
Without knowing if the sensor is still functioning it cannot be relied upon and nobody is going to go around the house, disassemble each sensor and press the wake up button every day.

Use @mike.maxwell's Basic z-wave tool to set the desired configuration parameters. Then switch the driver back to the original driver.

Basic z-wave tool is available from Hubitat's Github repository:

Just FYI as another data point, I just installed 3 Dome leak sensors yesterday afternoon. All 3 reported in with a battery report last night (2020-12-04 19:46:09.000) and again this morning (2020-12-05 07:34:58.000). I'm using the builtin Dome Leak Sensor driver and the device joined as:

  • deviceId: 133
  • deviceType: 3
  • manufacturer: 543

I'd heard reports of problems with this and I'll keep monitoring it but so far, so good for me.

Thanks @aaiyar , unfortunately I could not use it. When I set some incorrect parameter the device does not respond, which is expected, but whenever I think I do something right it fails to process the device response and throws an error with very little useful information:
2020-12-05 11:19:18.443 errorjava.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0 on line 75 (parse)

Could you post a screenshot of exactly which parameter you're trying to set? Also, all values have to be provided in decimal and not hexadecimal.

I tried to change the size to 4 and the error is gone, let's wait 5 minutes if the command caused the detector to report every 5 minutes
Edit: No dice :frowning:
Actually the error shows up with size 4 too, it is all inconsistent ... and getting .... you know the feeling.

I had a similar issue with mine. Here are the settings I used (for prosperity...). Will check tomorrow to see if it actually sent a battery report.

Well, no luck. It isn’t waking up on its own. @bcopeland, any recommendations on what I can do or look for to get my Dome Leak Sensors to send regular battery reports?

Screenshot from event log:

The last report is from when I was trying to update the battery report timing...

I must say , in the past I absolutely hated these sensors, until I discovered that they last almost 2 years on 1 battery and despite sometimes not checking in for a week, they always report wet when tested.
FWIW these are my settings using the HE stock driver. And don't know if the firmware revision plays a part, and not sure what rev my sensors are.

Unless you’ve been testing the wet/dry functionality, it looks like your device is checking-in...

I just need to figure out what I need to do to get mine to do the same. I’m afraid I have no idea...

I haven't tested in over a month, but did you notice how it dropped for 6 days but came back. Not sure how or why

I hadn’t noticed! It seems particularly inconsistent...

Two things. First, my sensors continue to report in roughly every 12 hours as expected:

I don't know what's different in your case other than I have the Total Alarm Duration (parameter 1) set to 120 and it looks like you have it set to 0 for "Until Water is Removed". I doubt that would affect the reporting interval but I'll change one of my sensors to verify.

Second, I may be misreading the Dome API documentation that @vadim_c linked to above but it doesn't seem that the reporting interval is set using a parameter using the "Configuration" Command Class. The Wake Up V2 (84) that was quoted in the initial post is described as a separate Command Class. It looks like that is described in the SiLabs Z-Wave Management Command Class Specification document on page 198 (4.44 Wake Up Command Class, version 2). Of course, I don't know the Z-Wave protocol and haven't done any Hubitat/Z-Wave programming so I may be all wet (pun intended). If I'm right though, maybe you could modify the basicZWaveTool to send this command or eventually Hubitat could include setting that in the Dome Leak Sensor driver.

@krlaframboise, it looks like you wrote the SmartThings driver. @Sebastien already tagged @bcopeland but I thought you might have some ideas. Does what I wrote above look correct? Do you know any way to set the Dome wake up time or have any ideas why some people aren't getting wake ups as described earlier in this thread?


That tool allows you to change configuration parameters and "Wake Up" is a command class so you can't change it with that tool.

Just because it's not reporting the battery level doesn't necessarily mean it's not waking up.

You would be able to check that by enabling debug logging, but all the built-in handlers have that stupid feature that disables it after 30 minutes which renders it useless for this type of debugging...

Quick update on my situation... Seems to have worked on one of my 2 Dome water leak sensors. I’ll try to re-send the command to the other to see if it works...

Thanks. I just thought it was odd that I'm consistently getting battery reports as expected in the Event log but @Sebastien isn't.

I realize Wake Up is a command class (so trying to use the basicZWaveTool as @vadim_c and @Sebastien attempted, won't work). I just thought the driver could be hacked to switch sending the Configuration command and parameters to the Wake Up as described in the SiLabs doc.

I need to give this a try as well. I just moved over my system from Wink to HE over the last few weeks and getting down to ironing out the fine details. I have 9 Dome Leak sensors and over the last couple days the Watchdog app keeps reporting 2 of them as inactive but they test fine putting them in some water. Looking at my logs now, the ones that report active are sending out a battery level every 12 hours. But the 2 that aren't are not sending any battery level notices, only a notification when a wet activity happens, then another when it turns dry. I've never had the ability to configure the settings on them so I have no idea why 2 of them don't send battery notifications. I'll try out the basic zwave tool, maybe a factory reset on those 2 sensors?

There are differences in the configuration settings on the 2 not reporting.

One of them has val1: 120, val2: 1, val3: 60, Pending: False, config4: 5, config5: 1, config 6: 1, BUT its missing the Refresh value is the only difference between it and the working sensors.

The other has val1,2 and 3 blank, pending: True, config 4,5 and 6 blank, Refresh: true

Beats me how to try and set the battery notification using the basic zwave tool. I found the Dome Leak Sensor manual and can see what the configuration values are for alarms, etc. and how to set those in the tool. But the battery notification time is in something called the command class and I don't see how to set that. Using the buttons on the basic zwave tool after setting the leak sensor device type to the tool doesn't seem to do anything for the command class or report buttons. I think I'll just do a factory reset. Which I'm pretty sure I did when I moved the devices over from Wink, maybe the resets didn't work right last time. But I know what to look for now.

I had the same issue.. I was able to solve it by going to "discover devices" and pressing the dome "inclusion button" 3-5 times, while hub was in discovery mode.. I specifically did NOT exclude/remove the previously included dome Leak Sensor ( to the same hub ).. the hub found the dome leak sensor again, and I used the exact same name as before.. and it "seems" to have overwritten the settings.. and I see all the state variables ( configVal1, 2,3... an battery Report) updated, like other working dome sensors. But as someone else said above.. it changes state from dry to wet even when it was not reporting battery etc.. but not knowing how much battery is left is a little concerning to me.. I would rather have it use a little more battery and inform me than not report anything except wet/dry.

I do not know what happened, but after half a year of silence my dome water leak sensor all of sudden started reporting battery twice a day. Go figure.