Does it Matter?

Thread is not only Matter and Matter is not only Thread. Thread devices existed before Matter as an alternative to other mesh networks. What Matter does, it takes Thread and Wi-Fi devices and makes them available on the local network to any Matter controller. Matter brings local processing to devices that historically required a cloud API. So more local devices from different places is a good thing, not a bad thing.


The first thing I'm going to declare is my total ignorance of thread/matter. I've done very little research. Of the limited reading and poking about today, I believe I'm going to need another controller of some sort.
I then connect 'matter' devices to this controller. I then connect this controller to my C8 so that I have access to these devices. Is this the gist of it?

My next question is, what are these 'matter. controllers. In my reading people have mentioned Apple/Google etc. What Apple/Google devices?

Sorry if this is a really dumb set of questions but I really haven't researched this and have very limited knowledge about it.
Maybe this should be split to a separate thread, oops, topic of it's own to discuss the basics.


I would start here. It explains most, if not all, of what you asked - including an example list of supported Matter Thread Border Routers (for Thread based Matter devices).


Thanks. Oops. :blush: How did I miss that.

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Ok, interesting idea. But there would have to be some way to manage this. I have 6 Alexa devices in my house (and several more sitting in a box). It would not be practical to pair the 50 or so Inovelli switches I have to all 6 of those Alexas if it required 300 individual pairings (assuming I flashed the Inovellis to use Matter when that becomes available).

Also interesting, but that would likely require replacing all of the echo devices I'd think. If I say "Alexa turn on the dining room light", does any current Alexa device have the computing power to decipher and execute that locally? Execute sure, but local voice recognition and processing in a device at the price point Echos are sold at?

Nevertheless, I get what you're saying. No doubt there are future possibilities and it's great that HE supports if for no other reason then it shows they are keeping on top of emerging technologies.

There are no dumb questions. I am sure many share your concerns. In addition to what @JasonJoel shared, there is this Wiki I started a while ago that has details on how to connect (commission) Matter devices using the 4 most popular controllers: [Wiki] Connecting Matter devices to Hubitat Elevation

You almost nailed it. You connect a device to one of these controllers using the QR or setup code from the device, then you get a new key for that controller - a Matter setup code (11 digits) - and use that code to pair the device to Hubitat.

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Alexa devices pair to the account, not the individual Alexa device...

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By "local network" do you mean wifi? So a Matter/Thread device has 2 radios, one to communicate using Thread and another to make the device visible on a wifi network?

I didn't notice a mention of bridge support in the release announcement. Is that finished or still pending completion?

Ok, so if I pair a Matter device to a Matter-capable Alexa device, I'm not paring it to that local device but the (cloud) account?

If so, then the ability to control that Matter device is potentially pushed out to all other Matter-enabled Alexa devices on my account? Would have to be I assume, for local-only control of the Matter device (voice recognition issues notwithstanding).

Believe I saw that the Matter bridge was supported but that a driver hadn't been written yet.


The hub supports bridges.. We don't have any built-in bridge drivers yet.. I'm finishing up the driver dev docs to release shortly so the community devs can jump in.. We just released a Matter sample driver on the public Hubitat github..


Link to that driver:


Thread Matter devices talk via thread to the Matter controller/fabric they are joined to.

Then a Thread Border Router would act as the man in the middle for other Matter controllers that are not on that thread fabric to communicate with the thread device.

So if you paired the thread Matter device to Alexa, any of the Alexas that are TBRs would be the man in the middle (Thread Border Router) to let external systems communicate/use the thread device on their thread fabric.

It's all shown graphically in this post. I recommend it:

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Thanks for all the responses and information that has been posted on this topic.
I think I have a grasp of how this works.
From a personal point of view, until I buy a device that has matter controller capability, there is no point in my looking into this.
The irony is, my wife often looks at upgrading our 'tech'. I tend to knock back if we don't need to upgrade. (My black and white TV works just fine on the 4 channels available on it).
I may have a route to follow here. :wink: :thinking:

Correct. Unless you have devices that support Matter there is nothing to do or see here.

If/when Hubitat supports bridge devices there may be more to do for some, as I expect some will have hubs/3rd party devices that will act as Matter bridges already that they can then use in Hubitat. But until then, it is Matter device only.

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You wouldn't really have to. Only to those you want it to. Now if hubitat were a matter bridge you could expose all non matter devices to another matter controller.

Why? Hue is also a matter bridge and can be paired to alexa or google or siri...

To have complete local control from Alexa, you'd need an Alexa device that can handle voice recognition locally. Probably impossible given current technology, or anything even remotely on the horizon. Of course, that's completely out of scope in the context of Matter.

So in the context of Alexa, Google, Siri and the like, you may end up with local control of Matter devices from your local Matter-capable voice devices, but the voice devices themselves cannot really do anything useful without sending audio to the cloud for recognition/interpretation.

Not necessarily a bad thing, but not local control in the strictest sense. Of course, touchscreen enabled Alexa devices might be able to operate 100% locally. Would be interesting to see if current zigbee-capable touchscreen Alexas can operate without the cloud.

Well yeah, the voice aspect of it is a whole nother thing. Lets put it this way then. When they finish building the bridge drivers for hubitat, you can include any matter bridge to hubitat and expose whats on the other side regardless of the protocol. So if you have a bunch of hue bluetooth devices on a hue bridge, they can be used (yes we have the native hue integration and cocohue but you know what you what I mean)

Voice may/may not go to the cloud. That is getting fuzzier and fuzzier. But you're right that when it does, then that is cloud dependent. Good point.

I was thinking more of accessing/controlling the devices from the Google Home app, Alexa app, or Apple home app -which doesn't have to go to cloud for all functions.

A lot of people pop open their phone and use the native apps for device control (google, alexa, apple).