DIY- Battery Backup Hubitat- under TEN bucks-NO soldering

When you start thinking of V2, let me know. I have several "generic" Zigbee modules in use for custom sensors. I've been using PTVO firmware.


Yes, works well so far.


It would also be nice if it had some kind of logic within the firmware that could sense when power is restored from the mains source, and at that point do a power off/power on, but only if the power currently drawn has been lower than the on power of the unit for a bitā€¦


Agreed, that would be ideal.

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My first though would be to monitor the battery voltage with an analog input. One could easily program what the battery is doing.

If the battery is charging (increasing over time)
If the battery is decreasing (over time)
If the battery is near minimum voltage.

all the above would border on trivial with nearly anything programable.



Chaps, apologies for the delays and radio silence - my luck finally ran out and Iā€™ve been sick with covid for the past 7 days. :weary:

Please send concreteā€¦. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Iā€™m planning to start building the units next weekend when Iā€™m fully recovered.


Feel better man..... It tore through our family last month. Fortunately we were all vaxxed and boosted. Because of my age and health history I as also on Paxlovid. It sucks.... Much sympathy to you and yours.

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Cheers mate. :+1: we are are vaxxed and boosted too but the 4 of us all got it anyway (mild compared to someone not vaccinated). Iā€™m now on the mend thankfully, but the wife and daughter are still sick,

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My 4 year old was asymptomatic (he was vaxxed fortunately) so while my wife and I were miserable, he was at %100 energy. That quite possibly was the worst part.

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Hehe, our 9 year old boy was sick for 2 days and is back in full nuisance mode now! :man_facepalming:

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My 10 year old was the same (he got it 2 mos prior to us even after being vaxxed so he didn't get it this time)


So Iā€™ve got lung damage from the ā€œcovid coughā€ and Iā€™m on steroids and painkillers. Iā€™m so off work too so Iā€™m likely to need another week before I can work on this project. :weary:


@dJOS Get better, that's way more important.


Thanks mate, I appreciate it. I just hate feeling like Iā€™m letting this awesome community down.

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Health comes before..... pretty much anything else. I'm sure the folks would feel bad if you pushed to get these done before feeling 100% (or at least 99%).

Hope your damage is not permanent and you can come out of this soon :slight_smile: :mask:


Cheers, the damage isnā€™t too bad, just painful.


Nah... I'm sure you'll let us down on something far more important.... :rofl: Seriously, covid isn't anything to F with... Hope the rest of the family is in better shape...


Glad to hear it wasn't severe. Please take care of yourself and family, that is the priority. Best to you and family.

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Thanks mate, much appreciated. :+1:

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Getting any better?

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